A Complete Example

Let’s work through an example of using geo.js to attempt to get the user’s location and display a map of the immediate surroundings.

When the page loads, it will need to call geo_position_js.init() to determine whether geolocation is available through any of the interfaces that geo.js supports. If so, you can set up a link the user can click to look up her location. Clicking that link calls the lookup_location() function, shown here:

function lookup_location() {
  geo_position_js.getCurrentPosition(show_map, show_map_error);

If the user gives consent to track her location, and the backend service was actually able to determine that location, geo.js calls the first callback function, show_map(), with a single argument, loc. The loc object has a coords property that contains latitude, longitude, and accuracy information. (This example doesn’t use the accuracy information.) The rest of the show_map() function uses the Google Maps API to set up an embedded map:

function show_map(loc) {
  var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("geo-wrapper"));
  var center = new GLatLng(loc.coords.latitude, loc.coords.longitude);
  map.setCenter(center, 14);
  map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
  map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
  map.addOverlay(new GMarker(center, {draggable: false, title: "You are here (more or

If geo.js is unable to determine the location, it calls the second callback function, show_map_error() ...

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