

3D canvas. See WebGL canvas

45-degree rotations (canvas), 148

1990s rich media content, 69


AAC audio format, 78

abort event, 360

abort() method, 330

add() method, 315

addColorStop() method, 200

aligning canvas text, 197-198

altitude attribute, 284

animations, 210

cancelAnimationFrame() method, 212

canvas interactivity app example

canvas state, tracking, 218-219

<canvas> tag, 216

complete code, 225-230

doDown, doMove, and doUp events, 221-222

finished example, 231

input coordinates, retrieving, 222-223

JavaScript functionality, adding, 217

mouse and touch events, 220-222

shape constructor with prototype methods, creating, 217-218

shapes, drawing, 223-224

frames per second, 212-213

requestAnimationFrame() method

browser support, ...

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