Elements Organized by Function

This section organizes the elements in HTML5 into groups related to concept or function. Elements that are new in HTML5 and were not part of the HTML 4.01 specification are indicated with (5).

Root Element


Metadata Elements

base, head, link, meta, title, style

Text: Sections

address, article (5), aside (5), body, footer (5), header (5), hr, main (5), nav (5), section (5)

Text: Headings

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup (5, removed from HTML5.1)

Text: Grouping Elements

See also Text: lists

blockquote, div, figcaption (5), figure (5), hr, main (5), p, pre

Text: Lists

dd, dl, dt, li, ol, ul

Text-Level (Inline) Elements

abbr, b, bdi (5), bdo, br, cite, code, del, dfn, em, i, ins, kbd, mark (5), q, s, samp, small (5), span, strong, sub, sup, time (5), u, var, wbr


caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr

Form Elements

button, datalist (5), fieldset, form, input, keygen (5), label, legend, meter (5), optgroup, option, output (5), progress (5), select, textarea

Interactive Content

a, details (5), dialog (5), menu (5), menuitem (5), summary (5)

Embedded Content

area, audio (5), canvas (5), embed (5), iframe, img, map, object, param, source (5), track (5), video (5)


script, noscript

Ruby Annotation

rp (5), rt (5), ruby (5)

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