Alphabetical List of Elements

This section contains a list of all elements and attributes in HTML and the living HTML document at WHATWG. Readers are advised to watch for these labels on elements and attributes:


Attributes marked as Required must be included in the element for the markup to be valid.

W3C HTML5 only

Elements and attributes marked W3C HTML5 only appear only in the W3C HTML5 Candidate Recommendation and do not appear in the HTML5.1 Editor’s Draft or WHATWG.


Elements and attributes marked WHATWG only appear only in the living HTML specification maintained by the WHATWG and are not part of the W3C Recommendation.

Not in HTML 4.01

Elements and attributes marked Not in HTML 4.01 are new in HTML5 and will cause documents using the HTML 4.01, XHTML1.0, and XHTML 1.1 DOCTYPEs to be invalid.

XHTML only

Attributes marked XHTML only apply only to documents written in XHTML (XML) syntax.

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