Time for action – adding game logic to the matching game

We have prepared the game environment in the last example and decided the game logic should be the same as playing a real deck. It is time to code the JavaScript logic now:

  1. Let's begin from our last matching game example. We have styled the CSS, and now, it is time to add the game logic in the js/matchgame.js file.
  2. The game is to match pairs of playing cards. We have 12 cards now, so we need six pairs of playing cards. Put the following code in the js/matchgame.js file. The array declares six pairs of card patterns:
    var matchingGame = {};
    matchingGame.deck = [
      'cardAK', 'cardAK',
      'cardAQ', 'cardAQ',
      'cardAJ', 'cardAJ',
      'cardBK', 'cardBK',
      'cardBQ', 'cardBQ',
      'cardBJ', 'cardBJ',
  3. We aligned ...

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