Dragging-and-dropping images

This recipe essentially combines the concepts from the previous two recipes to demonstrate how we can drag-and-drop an image.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to drag-and-drop an image:

  1. Link to the Events class:
    <script src="events.js">
  2. Define the writeMessage() function which writes out a message:
        function writeMessage(context, message){
            context.font = "18pt Calibri";
            context.fillStyle = "black";
            context.fillText(message, 10, 25);
  3. Define the drawImage() function which begins by instantiating a new Events object and setting the initial position of the rectangular region that overlays the image:
     function drawImage(challengerImg){ var events = new Events("myCanvas"); var canvas = events.getCanvas(); var ...

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