Animating mechanical gears

For the mechanics and engineers out there, this one's for you. In this recipe, we'll create a system of interconnected rotating gears.

Animating mechanical gears

How to do it...

Follow these steps to animate a system of interconnected gears:

  1. Link to the Animation class:
        <script src="animation.js">
  2. Define the constructor for the Gear class:
        <script> function Gear(config){ this.x = config.x; this.y = config.y; this.outerRadius = config.outerRadius; this.innerRadius = config.innerRadius; this.holeRadius = config.holeRadius; this.numTeeth = config.numTeeth; this.theta = config.theta; this.thetaSpeed = config.thetaSpeed; this.lightColor = ...

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