Simple Gravity

A very simple yet seemingly realistic gravitational effect can be achieved by applying a constant gravity value to the y velocity of an object moving on a vector. To do this, select a value for gravity, such as .1, and then add that value to the y velocity of your object on every call to drawScreen().

For this example, let’s simulate a ball with a radius of 15 pixels being shot from a cannon that rests near the bottom of the canvas. The ball will move at a speed of 4 pixels per frame, with an angle of 305 degrees. This means it will move up and to the right on the canvas. If we did not apply any gravity, the ball would simply keep moving on that vector until it left the canvas. (Actually, it would keep moving; we just would not see it any longer.)

You have seen the code to create an effect like this already. In the canvasApp() function, we would create the starting variables like this:

var speed = 4;
var angle = 305;
var radians = angle * Math.PI/ 180;
var radius = 15;
var vx = Math.cos(radians) * speed;
var vy = Math.sin(radians) * speed;

Next we create the starting point for the ball as p1, and then we create a dynamic object that holds all the values we created for the ball object:

var p1 = {x:20,y:theCanvas.height-radius};
var ball = {x:p1.x, y:p1.y, velocityx: vx, velocityy:vy, radius:radius};

If we want to add gravity to the application, we would first create a new variable named gravity and set it to a constant value of .1:

var gravity = .1;

Next, in the drawScreen() ...

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