Moving in a Straight Line

The simplest kinds of animations—moving objects in a straight line up and down the canvas—can take the form of adding a constant value to the x or y position of an object every time it is drawn.

So, to animate graphics, we will need to create an interval and then call a function that will display our updated graphics on every frame. Each example in this chapter will be built in a similar way. The first step is to set up the necessary variables in our canvasApp() function. For this first, basic example of movement, we will create a variable named speed. We will apply this value to the y position of our object on every call to drawScreen(). The x and y variables set up the initial position of the object (a filled circle) that we will move down the canvas:

var speed = 5;
var y = 10;
var x = 250;

After we create the variables, we set up an interval to call the drawScreen() function every 20 milliseconds. This is the loop we need to update our objects and move them around the canvas:

function gameLoop() {
    window.setTimeout(gameLoop, 20);

In the drawScreen() function, we update the value of y by adding to it the value of the speed variable:

y += speed;

Finally, we draw our circle on the canvas. We position it using the current values of x and y. Because y is updated every time the function is called, the circle effectively moves down the canvas:

context.fillStyle = "#000000";
context ...

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