Choosing the Tile to Display

We will use the frameIndex of the animationFrames array to calculate the 32×32 source rectangle from our tile sheet that we will copy to the canvas. First, we need to find the x and y locations of the top-left corner for the tile we want to copy. To do this, we will create local variables in our drawScreen() function on each iteration (frame) to calculate the position on the tile sheet. The sourceX variable will contain the top-left corner x position, and the sourceY variable will contain the top-left corner y position.

Here is pseudocode for the sourceX calculation:

sourceX = integer(current_frame_index modulo
the_number_columns_in_the_tilesheet) * tile_width

The modulo (%) operator gives us the remainder of the division calculation. The actual code we will use for this calculation looks like this:

var sourceX = Math.floor(animationFrames[frameIndex] % 8) *32;

The calculation for the sourceY value is similar, except we divide rather than use the modulo operation:

sourceY = integer(current_frame_index divided by
the_number_columns_in_the_tilesheet) *tile_height

Here is the actual code we will use for this calculation:

var sourceY = Math.floor(animationFrames[frameIndex] / 8) *32;

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