Time for action – compiling JavaScript with Koala

  1. Create a new JavaScript file named html5shiv.js in assets/js directory.
  2. Import html5shiv.js from the HTML5Shiv package we downloaded through Bower into this file:
    // @koala-prepend "../../bower_components/html5shiv/dist/html5shiv.js"
  3. Create a new JavaScript file named bootstrap.js.
  4. In bootstrap.js, import the JavaScript libraries that are required to turn the off-canvas navigation functionality on, as follows:
    // @koala-prepend "../../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"
    // @koala-prepend "../../bower_components/bootstrap/js/transition.js"
    // @koala-prepend "../../bower_components/jasny-bootstrap/js/offcanvas.js"
  5. Open Koala and ensure that the Auto Compile option for html5shiv.js and bootstrap.js ...

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