
style — HTML 4.01 | HTML5


<style> . . . </style>

Inserts style information (commonly Cascading Style Sheets) into the head of a document.


In HTML5, the style element may be used in the content of the document.

Start/End Tags



Internationalization, HTML5 Global Attributes


XHTML and XHTML5. Assigns a unique identifying name to the element.


Specifies the intended destination medium for the style information. It may be a single keyword or a comma-separated list. The default in the HTML 4.01 spec is screen. In HTML5, the default is all.

scoped (scoped="scoped" in XHTML5)

HTML5 only. Applies the styles only to the local document tree (i.e., only the descendants of the parent of the style element).


Gives the embedded style sheet a title.

type="content type" (text/css)

Required in HTML 4.01. Specifies the style sheet language. For Cascading Style Sheets (currently the only style type option), the value is text/css. In HTML5, the type attribute is optional if using CSS.


XHTML only. Instructs XML processors to preserve the whitespace in the element.


Note that the type attribute is optional in HTML5 when using CSS.

<style type="text/css">
   h1 {color: #666;}
<title>Scientific Presentation</title>

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