
base — HTML 4.01 | HTML5


HTML: <base>; XHTML: <base/> or <base />

Specifies the base pathname for all relative URLs in the document. Place this element within the head of the document.

Start/End Tags

This is an empty element. In HTML, the end tag is forbidden. In XHTML, the element must be closed with a trailing slash as just shown. Developers may include a space character before the slash for backward compatibility with older browsers.


href ="URI"

Required in HTML 4.01. Specifies the absolute URI that acts as the base URI for resolving relative URIs.


XHTML and HTML5 only. Assigns a unique identifying name to the element.

target ="name"

Defines the default target window for all links in the document.

Example (HTML)

    <title>Sample document</title>
    <base href="">

Example (XHTML)

    <title>Sample document</title>
    <base href="" />

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