
time — HTML5


<time> . . . </time>

Represents a time on a 24-hour clock or a date and/or a date on the Gregorian calendar. The time element could be used to pass time and date information in a machine-readable manner to other applications (e.g., saving an event to a personal calendar), or to restyle time information into alternate formats (e.g., 18:00 to 6 p.m.). The time element is not intended to be used to mark up times for which a precise time or date cannot be established, such as “the end of last year” or “the turn of the century.”


HTML5 only.

Start/End Tags



HTML5 Global Attributes

pubdate (pubdate="pubdate" in XHTML)

Indicates that the date and time provided by datetime is the publication date and time of the parent element (the article or whole document).


Identifies the date or time being specified. If the datetime attribute is used, the time element may be empty.


The deadline for entries is <time datetime="2010-09-01T
 20:00-05:00">September 1, 2010, 8pm EST</time>

Hours: <time>8am</time> to <time>9pm</time>

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