I like to imagine HTML as a laid-back don’t-sweat-the-details kind of person. Perhaps not quite as hard-working as XHTML, but much happier and at ease with herself. XHTML, on the other hand is downright uptight. Always vigilant, never taking a rest. Sure, she gets more done, but what a price!

Before I go off the deep end with my personification of Web page code types, let me tell you the specifics. For starters, know that HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0 use precisely the same elements, attributes, and values. The difference is in the syntax.

  • Where HTML doesn’t care if you use the html, head and body elements, and DOCTYPE, XHTML requires them.

  • Where HTML lets you omit some closing tags, XHTML insists on them for every element, even empty ones. ...

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