B.29. cue-after, cue-before

Sound cues are used by aural (speaking) browsers for the visually impaired as "audio icons". cue-before and cue-after let you set cues to be played before and after an element, respectively.

Inherited: No

See also: Section B.28cue

B.29.1. Value

A URL, specified with CSS url() syntax, that points to a sound file.

The default value, none is also supported, but is of little practical use.

Initial value: none

B.29.2. Compatibility

CSS Version: 2

Not supported by any currently-available browser.

B.29.3. Example

This example plays ding.wav before each h1 element, with the exception of h1 elements of class silent:

h1 {
  cue-before: url(/sounds/ding.wav);
h1.silent {
  cue-before: none;

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