HTML Pocket Reference

Book description

In this pocket reference, Jennifer Niederst, the author of the best-selling Web Design in a Nutshell, delivers a concise guide to every HTML tag. Each tag entry includes:

  • Detailed information on the tag's attributes

  • Support information on browsers such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, and WebTV

  • HTML 4.0 support information, including whether the tag is deprecated in the current spec

In addition to tag-by-tag descriptions, you'll find useful charts on such topics as:
  • Character entities

  • Decimal-to-hexadecimal conversions

  • Color names

Niederst also provides context for the tags, indicating which tags are grouped together and bare-bones examples of how standard web page elements are constructed. This pocket reference is targeted at web designers and web authors and is likely to be the most dog-eared book on every web professional's desk.

Table of contents

  1. HTML Pocket Reference
    1. 1. HTML Pocket Reference
      1. Introduction
        1. Using This Book
        2. For Further Reading
        3. Conventions Used in This Book
      2. Alphabetical Tag List
        1. <a>
        2. <abbr>
        3. <acronym>
        4. <address>
        5. <applet>
        6. <area>
        7. <b>
        8. <basefont>
        9. <base>
        10. <bdo>
        11. <bgsound>
        12. <big>
        13. <blink>
        14. <blockquote>
        15. <body>
        16. <br>
        17. <button>
        18. <caption>
        19. <center>
        20. <cite>
        21. <code>
        22. <col>
        23. <colgroup>
        24. <dd>
        25. <del>
        26. <dir>
        27. <div>
        28. <dl>
        29. <dt>
        30. <em>
        31. <embed>
        32. <fieldset>
        33. <font>
        34. <form>
        35. <frame>
        36. <frameset>
        37. <h1> through <h6>
        38. <head>
        39. <hr>
        40. <html>
        41. <i>
        42. <iframe>
        43. <img>
        44. <input type=button>
        45. <input type=checkbox>
        46. <input type=file>
        47. <input type=hidden>
        48. <input type=image>
        49. <input type=password>
        50. <input type=radio>
        51. <input type=reset>
        52. <input type=submit>
        53. <input type=text>
        54. <ins>
        55. <isindex>
        56. <kbd>
        57. <keygen>
        58. <label>
        59. <layer>
        60. <legend>
        61. <li>
        62. <link>
        63. <map>
        64. <marquee>
        65. <meta>
        66. <menu>
        67. <multicol>
        68. <nobr>
        69. <noembed>
        70. <noframes>
        71. <nolayer>
        72. <noscript>
        73. <object>
        74. <ol>
        75. <optgroup>
        76. <option>
        77. <p>
        78. <param>
        79. <pre>
        80. <q>
        81. <s>
        82. <samp>
        83. <script>
        84. <select>
        85. <server>
        86. <small>
        87. <spacer>
        88. <span>
        89. <strike>
        90. <strong>
        91. <sub>
        92. <sup>
        93. <table>
        94. <tbody>
        95. <td>
        96. <textarea>
        97. <tfoot>
        98. <th>
        99. <thead>
        100. <title>
        101. <tr>
        102. <tt>
        103. <u>
        104. <ul>
        105. <var>
        106. <wbr>
      3. Tag Groups
        1. Structural Tags
        2. Text Tags: Block-level Elements
        3. Text Tags: Inline Styles
        4. Text Tags: Logical Styles
        5. Text Tags: Physical Styles
        6. List Tags
        7. Spacing and Positioning Tags
        8. Linking Tags
        9. Table Tags
        10. Frame Tags
        11. Form Tags
        12. Multimedia Tags
        13. Script Tags
        14. Navigator-only Tags
        15. Internet Explorer-only Tags
        16. HTML 4/Internet Explorer-only Tags
        17. HTML 4-only Tags
      4. Tag Structures
        1. HTML Document
        2. Lists
          1. Definition list
          2. Ordered (numbered) list
          3. Unordered (bulleted) list
          4. Nested lists
        3. Linking Within a Document
        4. Client-side Imagemap
        5. Basic Table
        6. Framed Document
          1. Nested frames
      5. Character Entity Chart
      6. Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Chart
      7. Color Names

Product information

  • Title: HTML Pocket Reference
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: December 1999
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781565925793