

<a></a> tag, 62-63, 209-210

<abbr></abbr> tag, 210

abbreviations, structuring text, 43-44

absolute positioning, 108-109

absolute units, 26

layout, 113-114

styling text, 51-52

access keys

link accessibility, 68

major problems, 68-70


forms, 186-187


access keys, 68-70

adjacent links, 71-72

pop-ups, 71

skipping navigation, 72-74

tabbing, 67-68

titles, 70-71


cell to header association, 165-167

header to cell association, 165

summaries, 164

<acronym></acronym> tag, 210-211

acronyms, structuring text, 43-44

:active pseudo-class, 265-266

active states, 67

<address></address> tag, 47, 211

addresses, structuring text, 47

adjacent links, accessibility, 71-72

adjacent sibling selectors, 24

:after pseudo-elements, 269

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