
Symbols and Numbers

& (and) logical connector, 803

% character, for parameter entities, 804

() (group) logical connector, 803

* (zero or more occurrences) occurrence indicator, 802

, (sequence) logical connector, 803

"..." (double quotes), in string syntax, 529

'...' (single quotes), in string syntax, 529

? (zero or one occurrence) occurrence indicator, 802

| (or) logical connector, 803

~ (general sibling selectors), CSS, 479

+ (adjacent sibling selector), CSS, 478

+ (one or more occurrences) occurrence indicator, 802

> (child selector), CSS, 478

2D Transforms, CSS3 modules, 614

3D Transforms, CSS3 modules, 614


<a> (anchor) element, 158–164

compatibility and examples, 164

element-specific attributes, 159–163

event attributes, 159

IE and ...

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