
head — <head> . . . </head>

Defines the head (also called the “header”) portion of the document that contains information about the document that is not considered document content. Every head element must include a title element that provides a description of the document. The head element may also include any of these elements in any order: script, style, meta, link, object, isindex, and base . The head element merely acts as a container of these elements and does not have any content of its own.




XHTML only. Assigns a unique identifying name to the element.


Provides the location of one or more predefined metadata profiles separated by whitespace that are used to define properties and values that can be referenced by meta elements in the head of the document, rel and rev attributes, and class names. This attribute is not yet implemented by browsers.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>Document Title</title>
    <p>Content of document . . . </p>

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