Virtual Partition Startup

Let's take a look at /etc/rc.config.d, where the configuration variable scripts are located to see what vPar-related scripts exist (please see the non-vPar-specific section of this chapter if need information on how HP-UX startup and shutdown operates.) We'll perform a long listing of this directory and search for vpar:

# ll /etc/rc.config.d | grep vpar
-r--r--r--   1 bin        bin            291 Aug 21 14:38 vpard
-r--r--r--   1 bin        bin            399 Aug 13 14:31 vparhb
-r--r--r--   1 bin        bin            702 Aug 13 14:30 vparinit

This listing shows three vPar-related configuration variable scripts. We'll focus on vparhb, the heartbeat daemon.

The heartbeat deamon is used to synchronize the Virtual Partition database every few seconds among the vPars running ...

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