10Throw a “Hail Mary”

Because it’s never over till it’s over

It’s bound to happen. Not every argument will be guide-path smooth. There will be days filled with frustrating go-nowhere dead ends and exasperating drop-offs.

In this chapter, you’ll discover how to artfully maneuver your way through the “mind-field.”

Meet 3 Arguing Brothers

Because knowledge is important, but without creativity, knowledge has nowhere to go

A father and his three sons are traveling across a harsh desert.

Knowing he is about to die, the father summons his three sons to his side. “I have but 17 camels. To my eldest son I leave one-half of my camels. To my middle son, one-third of my camels. And to my youngest, one-ninth of my camels.

For years, the sons argued bitterly ...

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