
I want to express my sincere gratitude to the following inspirational people who have taken the time and effort to share, in a variety of formats, what they have learned in their quest for the secrets of personal effectiveness, health, and happiness: Dr. Karl Albrecht, Dr. Robert Anthony, Dr. Alfred Barrios, Dr. Herbert Benson, Dr. Kenneth Blanchard, Richard Bolles, Claude Bristol, Dr. Leo Buscaglia, Dale Carnegie, Diane Cirincione, Dr. Stephen Covey, Thomas Crum, Peter Drucker, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Alexander Everett, Robert Fritz, Robert Fulghum, Dr. Charles Garfield, Dr. Shad Helmstetter, Napoleon Hill, Tom Hopkins, Dr. Gerald Jampolsky, John-Roger, Dr. Spencer Johnson, Harold Kushner, Ed Foreman, Dr. Jonathan Freedman, David Harp, ...

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