In school many of us learned that water is the universal solvent. Yet when we get into the real world of business or income real estate we soon learn that—in most of our lives—money is the universal solvent!

So the biggest challenge you, as a beginning or experienced wealth builder, face is raising the money you need to (a) start, (b) buy, or (c) expand your business, or income real estate, activities. This book shows you exactly how and where to raise and get the money you need for your business moneymaking projects of all kinds.

The methods I show you get you started on 100 percent financing—where you don't use any of your own money. These methods are also called zero-cash financing. You use other people's money (OPM) to finance your business or real estate deals.

This book gives you hundreds of smart, little-known ways to access the universal solvent needed for every business and real estate endeavor. Using this book, you'll become an expert at using other people's money to build your own wealth in a business or real estate activity of your choice using 100 percent financing.

Even if you have poor credit, a history of bankruptcy, slow pay records, or other financial problems, this book shows you, step-by-step, how to get the business or real estate money you need.

And since most people are in a big hurry today to get the money they need, this book focuses on getting you your money in 30 days, or less. "Patience," I've learned as a loan officer, ...

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