
You're a smart business person. If you weren't, you wouldn't have picked up this book in the first place. You know that business is changing and that it's more important than ever to be relevant to your customers and keep evolving to meet their needs.

You also know that your community is changing. Your local community probably doesn't look anything like it did 10 years ago, and 10 years from now, it won't look anything like it does today. It's critical that you stay abreast of the changes in the market you serve and develop ways to tap into markets you're not currently serving, but should be. You are a smart, forward-thinking businessperson who is paying attention to the market shifts around you. This book has provided steps on how to identify new customer segments, narrowcast to reach them effectively, target them with relevant messages, and prepare your business operationally to ensure that you are "customer ready" and "customer friendly."

You are now ready to take what you've learned here and apply it to your business. You have the knowledge. You have the tools. Follow the steps and keep thinking, keep learning, keep paying attention to the shifts you see all around you—keep being the smart business person that you are. You can do it. You can market to people not like you. And when you do, you will see your sales, profits, and customer loyalty grow.

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