
There are so many people who helped me with this book—whether it was with their wisdom, their insights, their support, or their patience. "Thank you" doesn't really express the depth of my gratitude, but I don't have any other words.

To my editor, Richard Narramore, for his steady, supportive coaching and patience with my endless questions. And for his phone call, which got the whole ball rolling to begin with.

To my "readers," those who read and re-read draft after draft and offered their critiques and comments: Melinda Fishman, Jennifer Martin, Dennis DuPont, Melissa Timmerman, Iris Goldfeder, Stuart Gaffney, Karen Eaton, Daniel Eaton, Kim Edwards, Trace Symonds, Traci Thrasher, and John Barry.

To the panelists: Frances Gannon, Nina Kersten, Aimee Valentine, Kim Edwards, Tajana Mesic, Domineice Reese, Kimberly Brandon, Priscilla Anthony, Tiffanie Chiles-Mitchell, Carissa Mavec, Melissa Lewis, Shannelle Mosley, Percy Bryant III, Robert Swafford, Tim Bennett, Todd Young, Joel Benjamin Griffin, Karen Eaton, Melissa Timmerman, Garrett Griffin, and Frank Fardatta.

To Liliana Ramírez, for keeping the company running smoothly and taking care of business while I wrote the book. You did, and do, a fantastic job, always.

To those who contributed with answers, insights, and suggestions: Tim Bennett, Stuart Gaffney, José Puente, Jay Baer, and Juli Black.

To those who listened to me rant or whine when I felt stressed— probably everyone I know, but especially John, Melinda, Jennifer, ...

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