This book is the result of many classes, workshops, discussions, debates, personal experiences, and much more. I am deeply grateful to many friends with whom I have interacted and worked over the years. There are far too many to name, but a partial list includes Elie Asmar, James T. Brown, Ray Ju, Virginia Greiman, Takeo Kimura, Chuck Bosler, Craig Peterson, Esteri Hinman, and many colleagues from in and around Hewlett-Packard such as Terry Ash, Wolfgang Blickle, Ted Slater, Swen Conrad, Tom MacDonald, Lou Combe, Cedric Bru, Art Greenberg, John Lambert, Peter Bruce, Chris Briggs, Martin Smith, Garry Gray, Charlie Elman, Patrick Neal, Randy Englund, Richard Bauhaus, Richard Simonds, Scott Beth, Kathy Meikle, Denis Lambert, Ron ...

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