Chapter 8

Twitter for Etsy Sellers

Twitter is a powerful tool for promoting your Etsy shop. Here are some terms and their definitions to help you understand Twitter a little better.

Basic Twitter Terms You Should Know

Tweet: This is an update that you send out. It must always be less than 140 characters. In the 140 characters, every letter and space is counted, so plan out your tweets to pack in the most info. You can include links, and now with the “New Twitter,” pictures and videos are embedded right into the conversation. This is a great way to show off your Etsy items because, as you know, pictures sell your products.

@Reply: When you want to reply to a tweet that someone sends and you don't mind if the world sees it, use “@username—The rest of the messages goes here.” This allows the other user to know that you're responding to their tweet. And it lets your followers know who you are talking to and what you are talking about. Like I said, it's public. It's very similar to writing on someone's wall on Facebook. The reply starts the conversation and keeps it going.

Direct messages (DMs): If you don't want the message to be open to the public, send a direct message to the other person. The direct message works just like an e-mail and still has to be kept short. The 140-character limit applies here, too.

Hashtags: These are used to track conversations. For example, if you are at a craft show or conference, there might be a specific hashtag for that event. It would look like ...

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