This book is the result of Cynthia Rose's insistence and Ingrid Kennedy's nudging that their father and husband respectively, Dr. Joseph P. Kennedy, capture in writing the essence of his experiences teaching a graduate-level course on intellectual property for over 20 years. The course was designed to teach science and engineering students how to invent and how to protect an invention, as well as how to improve the human condition through science related inventing and patenting. Cynthia Rose also originated the concept for the cover of this book.

The authors are most grateful to the significant contributions of Susan E. Dollinger and Dr. Rex W. Watkins. Susan is a valued colleague at The University of Akron and has been instrumental is supporting Dr. Kennedy's innovation activities. She requested that Dr. Kennedy include his experience and perspective on inventing in the book, which you will find as Chapter 3. Rex, with his perspective as a recent Ph.D. student in biochemistry and now as a patent agent and soon to be patent attorney, provided important and appreciated comments and edits.

Others to whom the authors are indebted and most grateful for their assistance include Justin Ball, Aimee DeChambeau, Bernard Schneier, and Loreley Woody, who each reviewed and commented on various portions of the book. The authors also acknowledge Mark Murphy, whose original hand-drawn illustrations greatly add to this book.

Finally, the authors would like to thank their families ...

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