

8/80 rule, 345346


AC (actual cost), 463
Acceptance criteria, 246, 258, 295
Acceptance testing, 474475
Achievement, 116117
Acronyms, 466, 517
Actions, project. see Project steps
Actual cost (AC), 463
ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed), 466
Adjustment of management, 133134
ADM (arrow diagramming method), 355
Administrative closure
paperwork, 536537
personnel performance reviews, 538542, 550551
regulatory issues, 537538
security, 536
Advancement, 120
Advantage, competitive, 2, 36
Agendas for meetings, 136
Air conditioning, 113
Aligning IT with corporate strategies
competitive advantage, 3640
description, 3435
execution and efficiency, 37
innovation, 3840
leveraging technology, 3738
strategy versus tactical concerns, ...

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