Part II


Why Some Don’t Make It, and How to Be One Who Does

There are many reasons people don’t make it in network marketing. Many enroll in a venture prior to conducting full due diligence on the company, as discussed in Chapter 3. Commonly, because starting a networking business requires a low investment, they don’t take their decision seriously, and so fail to conduct thorough research; they move forward based on emotion, rather than on accurate information and logic. As a result, many don’t anticipate they will have to face challenges similar to those in traditional business. They hear stories of individuals making big money, and all they want to do is board the gravy train, without a lot of thought. When it dawns on them that their new business is a work program, one for which they’ll need to develop new skills and overcome obstacles, they quit.

Most who leave prematurely fail to understand that once they survive the potentially difficult start-up phase, the process of building a business will be thoroughly enjoyable. By then, they will have mastered basic skills, like how to invite candidates to check out their product line and business. But many people are simply not prepared to commit to developing new habits, which take time and consistent effort, so they check out of the game prematurely.

Those with fragile motivation don’t last, either. Often, they aren’t clear about why they’re building a business in the first place. They’ve ...

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