
1 From a speech she gave in London, for the School of Life, Conway Hall, 3 July 2013.

2 McCroskey, James C. (2009) ‘Communication Apprehension: What have we learned in the last four decades?’, Human Communication: A Journal of the Pacific and Asian Communication Association, 12(2), pp. 157–171 (available at

3 Steptoe, A. (2001) ‘Negative emotions in music making: The problem of performance anxiety’, in Juslin, P.N. and Sloboda, J.A. (eds.) Music and Emotion: Theory and research, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 291–307.

4 Bruskin Associates (1973) ‘What are Americans afraid of?’, The Bruskin Report, p. 53. This survey isn’t publicly accessible, but was reported in ...

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