
A page reference followed by a bold E indicates an Exhibit.

Action plan(s)

as a step in facilitation process, 22, 23E

format for, 28E

preparation and implementation of, 27–29

Active listening

leadership and, 104

process explained, 57–58

use of, 56

Agenda, hidden, 8

Agenda management

facilitator’s role in, 6–7

keys for, 36–38

priorities and sequencing, 38

sample agenda, 37E


cause-and-effect diagram, 74, 75E

force-field, 72–74

tying options to the, 27

use of, in facilitation, 25, 88

Authority. See responsibility and authority

Bay of Pigs, 87

Behavior, as the focus of corrective feedback, 61

Body language, 21, 56, 57, 60

Brainstorming, 68–70

Cause-and-effect diagram, 74, 75E


equipment and materials, 40E

facilitation observation, ...

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