Command Substitution

The Bourne shell can redirect a command's standard output back to the shell's own command line. That is, you can use a command's output as an argument to another command, or you can store the command output in a shell variable. You do this by enclosing a command in backquotes (').

Here's an example that stores a command inside a variable, FLAGS:

FLAGS='grep ^flags /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/.*://' | head −1'
echo Your processor supports:
for f in $FLAGS; do
    case $f in
        fpu)    MSG="floating point unit"
        3dnow)  MSG="3DNOW graphics extensions"
        mtrr)   MSG="memory type range register"
        *)      MSG="unknown"
    echo $f: $MSG

The second line contains the command substitution, in bold type. This example is somewhat complicated, ...

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