

recording, 263–265

reviewing weekly, 261

aggressive customers, efforts to negotiate, 62

Apple Inc., 45–46

arrogance, vs. confidence, 161

assets, value, and C-suite connection, 158–159

assumptions, 40

assumptive approach to prospecting, 82–84

attitude, and confidence, 11–12

awards, 251–252

bad information, focus on, 246

bad sales call, recovery from, 257–258

“bake-off” meeting, 247–248

benefit of purchase

expected, 8

vs. features, 40

vs. price, 185

and price increase, 196, 202–204

bid package

questions in, 248

structuring to win, 238

bidding process, 231–250

developing options, 245–246

follow-up meeting, 249

information from lost bid, 237–243

losing but being no. 2, 237, 240

minimum/maximum standards, 243–245

selection renegotiation, ...

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