Typical Results in the Field

In analyzing the tradeoffs between inlining versus using external files, the key is the frequency with which external JavaScript and CSS components are cached relative to the number of HTML documents requested. In the previous section, I described three metrics (page views, empty cache vs. primed cache, and component reuse) that can help you determine the best option. The right answer for any specific web site depends on these metrics.

Many web sites fall in the middle of these metrics. They get 5–15 page views per user per month, with 2–5 page views per user per session. Empty cache visits are in the same range as Yahoo!: 40–60% of unique users per day have a primed cache, and 75–85% of page views per day are performed with a primed cache. There's a fair amount of JavaScript and CSS reuse across pages, resulting in a handful of files that cover every major page type.

For sites that have these metrics, the best solution is generally to deploy the JavaScript and CSS as external files. This is demonstrated by the example where the external components can be cached by the browser. Loading this page repeatedly and comparing the results to those of the first example, "Inlined JS and CSS," shows that using external files with a far future Expires header is the fastest approach.

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