Solved Problems

Q 1. Two six faced dice each marked 1 to 6 are thrown. Calculate the probability that one of the dice shows 6 and the other shows 5.


Ans. The probability that the first throw gives a 6 is 1/6. The probability that the first throw gives 5 is 1/6. These two events are independent; hence, the probability = 1/6 × 1/6 = 1/36 and as there are two dice the required probability will be = 2 × 1/36 = 1/18.


Q 2. What is the probability of drawing four aces in succession from a pack of 52 cards?


Ans. The number of ways in which the first ace can be drawn is 52. As there are 4 aces, the number of ways in which the first ace may be drawn is 4. Probability of getting an ace in the first draw is P1 = 4/52 = 1/13. The number of ways in ...

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