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Loose Coupling

By their very nature, OO systems involve objects talking to each other. By coding to interfaces, you can reduce the number of things that one class needs to know about another class to communicate with it. The less two classes know about each other, the more loosely coupled they are to each other. A very common approach when class A wants to use methods in class B is to create an interface between the two. Once class B implements this interface, class A can use class B via the interface. This is useful, because later on you can use an updated class B or even an entirely different class, as long as it upholds the contract of the interface.

Remote Proxy

Today, when a web site grows, the answer is to lash together more servers, as opposed to upgrading a single, huge, monolithic server. The outcome is that Java objects on different machines, in their own separate heaps, have to communicate with each other.

Leveraging the power of interfaces, a remote proxy is an object local to the “client” object that pretends to be a remote object. (The proxy is remote in that it is remote from the object it is emulating.) The client object communicates with the proxy, and the proxy handles all the networking complexities of communicating with the actual “service” object. As far as the client object is concerned, it’s talking to a local object.

Increase Declarative Control

Declarative control over applications is a powerful feature of J2EE Containers. Most commonly, ...

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