Advance Praise for Head First iPhone and iPad Development

“Head First iPhone and iPad Development is a great introduction to iOS development. It doesn’t teach you everything (that would take several thousand of pages), but teaches you plenty to get you started and become enthusiastic to want to learn more. You’ll already got a decent app running in the first chapters. Thsi book teaches you in a nice visual way, not textbook style pages filled with dry theory.”

—Rene Janssen, Multimedia designer and owner of Ducklord Studios

“This is another great book from the Head First franchise, using its characteristic sense of humor to explain deep concepts such as Core Data or Localization. From the idea to the store, this edition is a must for those who are starting the development apps for the iOS ecosystem.”

—Roberto Luis, Computer Science Engineer at Autonoma de Madrid University in Spain

“The great thing about this book is its simple, step-by-step approach. It doesn’t try to teach everything—it just launches you right into building iOS applications in a friendly, conversational way. It’s a fantastic book for people who already know how to write code and just want to get straight into the meat of building iOS applications.”

—Eric Shephard, owner of Syndicomm

“Head First iPhone and iPad Development was clearly crafted to get you easily creating, using, and learning iOS technologies without needing a lot of background with Macintosh development tools.”

—Joe Heck, Seattle Xcoders founder

“This book is infuriating! Some of us had to suffer and learn iOS development ‘the hard way,’ and we’re bitter that the jig is up.”

—Mike Morrison, Stalefish Labs founder

“Head First iPhone and iPad Development continues the growing tradition of taking complex technical subjects and increasing their accessibility without reducing the depth and scope of the content. iOS development is a steep learning curve to climb by any measure, but with Head First iPhone and iPad Development, that curve is accompanied with pre-rigged ropes, a harness, and an experienced guide! I recommend this book for anyone who needs to rapidly improve their understanding of developing for this challenging and exciting platform.”

—Chris Pelsor,

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