Multiplicity affects return type!

A Movie has one Director. When you call getDirector(), you get back one Director. So the return type of getDirector() is a Director().

But a Director has many movies, so when you call getMovies(), you get back a Collection of Movies.

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Movie has a multiplicity of “many” in its relationship with Director. That does NOT mean that Movie has “many” Directors... it means that Director has “many” Movies!

So Director has a getMovies() that returns a Collection of Movies.

And Director has a multiplicity of “one”, which means that Movie will return just one Director.

In the Movie-to-Director relationship, the multiplicity of Movie is many and the multiplicity of Director is one.

A multiplicity of one means the object you’re related to holds just one of you.

Director has a multiplicity of one, so the Movie object related to Director returns just a single Director bean (OK, technically the component interface of Director, but you know what we mean by now).

A multiplicity of many means the object you’re related to holds a Collection of you.

Movie has a multiplicity of many, so the Director object related to Movie returns a Collection of Movie beans.

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