But wait... there’s more! Entity beans have new home container callbacks, too

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For any entity bean using container-managed persistence (CMP), you will always have at least seven container callbacks—all from the EntityBean interface implementation. You don’t have to have a create() method in your home, but if you do have create() methods, you must match each create() with not one but two methods: ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate(). If you have home business methods, you must write a matching ejbHome<methodName> method in the bean class.

If you use bean-managed persistence (BMP), where you write your own database access code, you also must match each finder method with an ejbFind<whatever> method. Remember, the only method required in a home interface is findByPrimaryKey(). But in a CMP bean, you won’t put any finders in your bean class even though they’re in your home interface.

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