Passivation: a stateful bean’s chance at scalability...

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When the Container decides a stateful bean is wasting resources, it’ll call the bean’s ejbPassivate() method and then save the bean into temporary storage.

Why do you care about passivation details?

Because the Container uses a special set of rules (nearly identical to Serialization) to passivate your bean, and it’s your job to make sure your instance variables are in a state that works for passivation. And it’s just a tiny bit more subtle than simply making non-Serializable values transient.

Lifecycle overview: bean passivation/activation

  1. Client doesn’t call any methods for a while, so container calls ejbPassivate() on the bean.

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  2. Container calls ejbPassivate() on the bean, then saves the bean to temporary storage (either through serialization or something like it).

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  3. Client calls a business method, so container activates the bean (through something like deserialization), calls ejbActivate(), then invokes the business method (getAdvice()) on the bean.

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There’s nothing on the exam about vendor-specific passivation settings or behavior.

The only thing on the exam about passivation is what you’re responsible for as a Bean Provider—getting your instance variable values in a passivatable state (we’ll talk about that next). Nothing about passivation goes into the deployment descriptor, so you don’t need to know how passivation parameters are set for any particular server.

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