Coffee Cram: Mock Exam Answers

  1. Which capabilities are provided by both remote and local home interfaces for session beans? (Choose all that apply.)


    Creating a session object.


    Removing a session object.

    - session beans can’t be removed through a local home interface because there is only a remove() that takes a primary key


    Getting a session object’s EJBMetaData.

    - not in a local home


    Getting a session object’s handle.

    - not in a local home

  2. When locating a session bean’s remote home interface, which are steps that must occur to create a valid home interface reference? (Choose all that apply.)

    (spec: 57)


    The session context must be narrowed, and the narrowed result cast.


    The result of the JNDI lookup must be narrowed, and the narrowed result cast.


    The initial context must be narrowed, and the ...

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