
Africa, 33

agent-agent problem, 168

Alcon Laboratories, 147–148

AlliedSignal, 103, 111, 122

allowable costs, 128

Apple, 1, 4, 8, 48, 95, 101, 114–115

asset depreciation, 164–165

assumptions about new ventures, 127–131, 135–137

checklist, 135–136, 138–140, 170

testing, 131, 136–137, 140–142

AT&T Worldnet, 113–114

banking, 152–153

Bank of Boston, 111–112, 123

batch size, in product development, 89–91

biotechnology, 104

BMW, 16

breakthrough innovations, 30

buyouts, 102, 165, 167

capital assets, 164–165

cash flow predictions, 161

Cemex, 110

charter schools, 112

China, 28, 30, 33, 35–42

“code-jam,” at Intuit, 3, 7


culture of, 123–124

for innovation, 11–25

communication, 115–117

competition, global, 33

competitive advantage, ...

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