
adaptation, of approach 103–108

agenda, drafting, 48–49


best, 5, 7, 33–34, 95–98, 101–102, 132–133

challenging other party’s, 34–35, 97–98

comparing options to, 95–97

of counterpart, 34–35, 97–98, 129

preparing a list of, 33

resorting to, 98, 132–133

as success element, 2, 4–5

assessment, of negotiation, 106, 107–108, 167–169


being aware of, 17–18

challenging your, 21

about counterparts, 17–18, 19–20

enabling, 19–20

negative, 15–18, 20

about the negotiation, 18, 19–20

questioning your, 15–21

shifting your, 18–20

authority, to make commitments, 43–46, 99

BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), 5. See also best alternative

best alternative, 5, 7, 33–34, 95–98, 101–102, 132–133

body language, 127

breaks, ...

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