Time for action – Applying a function on every item

We are going to create a function that will take a function and apply it to every item in a list. We are going to use it to simply display every Int in a list.

  1. At first, let's create a function that takes an Int and displays it:
    class Main
       public static function main()
       public static function displayInt(i : Int)
  2. Then in our Main class add a list of Int:
    class Main
       public static var intList : List<Int>;public static function main()
       intList = new List<Int>(); //Initialize the variable
  3. Note that we have to initialize the list in the main function.
  4. Now, let's create the function that will iterate over the list, as follows:
     public static function iterateAndApply(fun : Int->Void) ...

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