Haves and the Have Nots: The Abuse of Power and Privilege in the Workplace … and How to Control It, The

Book description

The Haves and Have Nots introduces a unique framework for understanding how employees' efforts depend on their identification with the organization, how employee/employer ties are built and broken, and how enterprises can achieve powerful competitive advantage by overcoming their tendencies to create "haves" and "have nots." Drawing on extensive case studies, it identifies the real psychological reasons why executives demand unfair special privilege, shows how this undermines the organization, and offers proven, practical solutions.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. FINANCIAL TIMES Prentice Hall
  3. Financial Times Prentice Hall Books
  4. Preface
  5. Introduction
    1. Endnotes
  6. 1. Messages from Bosses to Employees: Arrogance and Alienation in Organizations
    1. Above and Beyond Job Descriptions
    2. Identification's Future
      1. Doing More with Less
      2. Going Global
      3. Outsourcing
      4. Employing Generation X
    3. Managing Us versus Managing Them
    4. Mistaking What for How
    5. Moving Toward We: The Three Rs of Work Life
    6. Endnotes
  7. 2. The First R—Rewards: Compensating Privilege
    1. More Than Money
    2. Compensating Privilege
    3. Privileges, Profits, and Shareholder Interest
    4. Bonuses for Bungling
    5. Recruitment and Retention
    6. What's Fair?
    7. Rewarding We
    8. Endnotes
  8. 3. The Second R—Respect: Working with Authority
    1. We Rules
    2. Micromanaging
    3. The Boss Club
    4. It-Is-All-Business
    5. The Issue Is Displacement, Not Unemployment, Stupid!
    6. Sacrificing Them
    7. With All Due Respect
    8. Communication
    9. Organization Support—Plans for Training and Education
    10. Exploration of Alternatives
    11. Endnotes
  9. 4. The Third R—Recognition: Voice Lessons
    1. Voice and Productivity
    2. Voice and Work Relationships
    3. Voice and Employee Well Being
    4. Voice Recognition
      1. Voice and Information
      2. Voice and the Freedom to Act
      3. Voice and Direction
    5. Not Voice Alone
    6. Charisma and Voice
    7. Endnotes
  10. 5. What Money Can't Buy, and How to Buy It: Changing Bosses' Messages
    1. Managing the Three Rs: Rewards
    2. Managing the Three Rs: Respect
    3. Managing the Three Rs: Recognition
    4. Endnotes
  11. 6. Bonds of We, Barriers of They: Binding Fractures
    1. Promotive Tension
    2. We Are Better
    3. Employee Theft
    4. We-Boosting: Elevating Our Status by Diminishing Theirs
    5. Endnotes
  12. 7. Affirming Employees: To Us from Them
    1. Affirm Employees as Contributors
    2. Affirm Employees as Workers
    3. Affirm Employees as Members of Outside Groups
    4. Affirm Employees as Individuals with Physical and Psychological Needs
    5. Paternalism: Making Them into Our Burden
    6. What We Guarantees
    7. Endnotes

Product information

  • Title: Haves and the Have Nots: The Abuse of Power and Privilege in the Workplace … and How to Control It, The
  • Author(s): Harvey A. Hornstein
  • Release date: August 2002
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 0130497665