The HaskellR project

The HaskellR project enables seamless integration between Haskell and the R language. It makes the big repository of R libraries available to Haskell. In essence, HaskellR provides an interpreter that integrates GHCi with R, called H, and a quasi-quoter that enables writing R code into Haskell code.

The first way to use HaskellR is to install H and run it:

$ stack install H
$ stack exec H

This basically gives a modified GHCi prompt, where we have full access to both Haskell and R:

> [1..10]

> let (x,y) = (5, 10) :: (Double, Double)
> H.p [r| y_hs + x_hs + e |]

We access R through the R quasi-quoter. Haskell values simply get a _hs prefix. We can even use Haskell functions from quasi-quoted R expressions, ...

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