Visualizing points using Graphics.EasyPlot

Sometimes, it's convenient to simply visualize data points before clustering or classifying to inspect the data. This recipe will feed a list of points to a plotting library to easily see a diagram of the data.

Getting ready

Install easyplot from cabal:

$ cabal install easyplot

Create a CSV file containing two-dimensional points:

$ cat input.csv


How to do it…

In a new file, Main.hs, follow these steps:

  1. Import the required library to read in CSV data as well the library to plot points:
    import Text.CSV
    import Graphics.EasyPlot
  2. Create a helper function to convert a list of string records into a list of doubles. For example, we want to convert [ "1.0,2.0", "3.5,4.5" ] into [ (1.0, 2.0), ...

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