Part II: Advanced Hacks, Tools, and Techniques
Exhibit B: Schematic Diagram
Exhibit C: SitePlayer Code
Listing 1: coffee.spd
; These are initial variables that you can place in your system
;$Devicename sets the name or description of the device
$Devicename “Coffee Machine Web server”
;$DHCP on sets SitePlayer to find its IP address from a DHCP server
$DHCP on
;$DownloadPassword sets password for downloading web pages and firmware
$DownloadPassword “”
;$SitePassword sets password for browsing web pages
$SitePassword “”
;$InitialIP sets SitePlayer’s IP address to use if no DHCP server is available
$InitialIP “”
;$PostIRQ on sets SitePlayer to generate a low level IRQ on pin 11
$PostIRQ off
;$Sitefile sets the binary image filename that will be created
$Sitefile “E:\Hacking Book\coffee_machine_hack\coffee\coffee.spb”
Exhibit B
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1/21/2002 1:36:02 PM
Chapter 15, How to Build an Internet Coffeemaker
;$Sitepath sets the root path of the web pages for this project
$Sitepath “E:\Hacking Book\coffee_machine_hack\coffee”
;$Include sets the name of a file to include during make process
$Include “E:\Hacking Book\coffee_machine_hack\coffee\pcadef.inc”
$Include “E:\Hacking Book\coffee_machine_hack\coffee\udpsend_def.inc”
Listing 2: Index.htm
<body bgcolor=”#99FFFF”>
<h1 align=”center”>Coffee Machine Web Server</h1>
<a href=”water.spi?IO0=0&SPIaddr=%00&IO3=0&SPIBus=%1E%00&IO3=1”>check water</a>
<a href=”refresh_index.spi?IO0=0&SPIaddr=%00&IO3=0&SPIBus=%1A%00&IO3=1”>check temperature</a>
; this is the command that triggers the SPI data transaction to and from the A/D converter
<!--a href=”index.spi?IO4=0&IO4=1”>
<!--the value of memory location hex 03 is ^temper<br>
<!--value of 01 is ^water<br>
temperature is ^water*2
<!--water is ^temper#C0h--!>
<!--- input type=”text” name=”SPIbus” maxlength=”80” size=”80” ---!><br>
<!--press the link above to ectivate the transaction<br>
Listing 3: SitePlayer index.spi
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Location: /index.ht
Listing 4: refresh_index.htm
<meta http-equiv=”refresh”
<body bgcolor=”#99FFFF”>
<h1 align=”center”>Coffee Machine Web Server</h1>
<a href=”water.spi?IO0=0&SPIaddr=%00&IO3=0&SPIBus=%1E%00&IO3=1”>check water</a>
<a href=”refresh_index.spi?IO0=0&SPIaddr=%00&IO3=0&SPIBus=%1A%00&IO3=1”>check temperature</a>
Listing 1: coffee.spd (continued)
Exhibit C
ch15_coffee.indd 301
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Part II: Advanced Hacks, Tools, and Techniques
Listing 5: refresh_index.spi
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Location: /refresh_index.htm
Listing 6: water.htm
<body bgcolor=”#99FFFF”>
<h1 align=”center”>Coffee Machine Web Server</h1>
<a href=”water.spi?IO0=0&SPIaddr=%00&IO3=0&SPIBus=%1E%00&IO3=1”>check water</a>
<a href=”refresh_index.spi?IO0=0&SPIaddr=%00&IO3=0&SPIBus=%1A%00&IO3=1”>check temperature</a>
<!--a href=”index.spi?IO4=0&IO4=1”>
water is ^water
<!--- input type=”text” name=”SPIbus” maxlength=”80” size=”80” ---!><br>
<!--press the link above to ectivate the transaction<br>
Listing 7: water.spi
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Location: /water.htm
Listing 8: pcadef.inc
; Definitions for SitePlayer standalone direct port I/O
; to use these items they can be viewed by doing a ^objectname in your HTML file
; or they can be input by making an object of the same name in a form
; Some objects cannot be viewed
; If you do not need all the objects, you should NOT include this complete file
; even if your program does not use a particular object by name. If you include
Listing 4: refresh_index.htm (continued)
Exhibit C
ch15_coffee.indd 302
1/21/2002 1:36:02 PM
Chapter 15, How to Build an Internet Coffeemaker
; this file in its entirety, someone could send a URL request with the name of
; an object and make changes to your SitePlayer.
; So only define the objects you specifically intend to use
org 0ff00h
p1 ds 1 ;Port 1 all 8 bits
org 0ff01h
cmod ds 1 ;PCA Counter Mode
org 0ff02h
ccon ds 1 ;PCA Counter control
org 0ff03h
ch ds 1 ;PCA Counter High
org 0ff04h
cl ds 1 ;PCA Counter Low
org 0ff05h
ccapm0 ds 1 ;Module 0 Mode
org 0ff06h
ccapm1 ds 1 ;Module 1 Mode
org 0ff07h
ccapm2 ds 1 ;Module 2 Mode
org 0ff08h
ccapm3 ds 1 ;Module 3 Mode
org 0ff09h
ccap0h ds 1 ;Module 0 Capture High
org 0ff0ah
ccap1h ds 1 ;Module 1 Capture High
org 0ff0bh
ccap2h ds 1 ;Module 2 Capture High
org 0ff0ch
ccap3h ds 1 ;Module 3 Capture High
org 0ff0dh
ccap0l ds 1 ;Module 0 Capture Low
org 0ff0eh
ccap1l ds 1 ;Module 1 Capture Low
org 0ff0fh
ccap2l ds 1 ;Module 2 Capture Low
Listing 6: water.htm (continued)
Exhibit C
ch15_coffee.indd 303
1/21/2002 1:36:02 PM
Part II: Advanced Hacks, Tools, and Techniques
org 0ff10h
ccap3l ds 1 ;Module 3 Capture Low
org 0ff11h
io0 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 0
org 0ff12h
io1 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 1
org 0ff13h
io2 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 2
org 0ff14h
io3 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 3
org 0ff15h
io4 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 4
org 0ff16h
io5 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 5
org 0ff17h
io6 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 6
org 0ff18h
io7 ds 1 ;Port 1 Bit number 7
org 0FF19h
COM ds 128 ;serial port output (only takes up really one byte)
org 0FF1Ah
Baud dw 0 ;baud rate counter register (WORD)
org 0FF1Ch
SPIbus ds 128 ;SPI bus commands (only takes up really one byte)
org 0FF1Dh
SPIaddr db 0 ;destination of SPI incoming data
org 0FF1Eh
UDPsend db 0 ;flag to send out a UDP message
org 0FF1Fh
HalfSec db 0 ;half second (0.50135) down counter stops when 0
org 0FF20h
UDPrcvr db 0 ;enable UDP receives or not
org 01h
water db 0 ; place to get at incoming SPI data
org 03h
temper db 0
Listing 8: pcadef.inc (continued)
Exhibit C
ch15_coffee.indd 304
1/21/2002 1:36:02 PM

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